A role function development house is a tool that organisations can use to support and facilitate the development of their employees. It has several advantages:
Clarity about roles and functions: A role function development house provides a structured overview of the different roles and functions within the organisation. This provides greater clarity to employees about their current role and the possible development paths available. This can make it easier to help employees create a development plan.
Supporting development: A role function development house also provides support in developing employees. By mapping out different roles and functions, employees can get a clear picture of the required knowledge, skills and competences needed to progress to another role or function. This can help target employees’ development and help them develop the required competences.
Better understanding of career opportunities: A role development house also provides employees with insight into career opportunities within the organisation. This can contribute to better employee engagement as they know what opportunities are available for advancement within the organisation. In addition, this can also contribute to talent retention, as employees can develop and grow within the organisation.
More efficient use of employees: A role development house can also contribute to more efficient use of employees. By mapping out the different roles and functions, the employability of employees can be better assessed. This allows, for instance, a better match to be made between employees’ competences and the requirements of certain roles or functions.
In short, a role function development house can help organisations facilitate employee development, provide insight into career opportunities and deploy employees more efficiently. It can contribute to a more engaged and competent workforce.